Friday 7 June 2013

No touch technique of Hysteroscopy

First do vaginoscopy.

Use betadine iodine to clean in the beginning

Close the vaginal opening with the other hand so that you create a water seal.

Ask the Anaesthesist for a head down position, so that water is held in the vagina longer.

In the beginning one can go up to the posterior fornix and then withdraw slightly to see a smooth surface of posterior wall of cervix.

In a parous woman, external os appears like a fish mouth.

If Betadine used to cleanse the vagina, usually some betadine will stain the cervical glands and this will be very obvious and will help to enter the cervical os.

There is a small possibility that the internal os may appear similar to one tubal ostia, so one may infact say this as a unicornuate uterus. Before concluding this one can spend little bit more time and  hydro-distend the uterine cavity and a gentle nudge will negotiate the hysteroscope into the uterus.


Video 2

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